“Hi, this is Renee. I live in Yardley, Pennsylvania. I knew it was time for my old kitchen to go. It wasn’t like I saw someone’s kitchen, said, wow, I got to have that. It was, no, it’s time. Just like, you know, when it’s time to throw out, you know, old clothes. The mission was, how do I get a kitchen that is of the modern age and works for me and my husband since we both like to cook, and the old kitchen was just not doing it anymore because it was too small and outdated. I need to think through how I can get the kitchen I want, and if it means sacrificing another room to do it, that’s what I did. We wound up getting rid of the old dining room, which was next to the old kitchen, and taking away the wall between the kitchen and the dining room and therefore doubling the size of the kitchen. So it really did change how you work, how you function, how you live, by enlarging the kitchen to the extent that I did.”
“I like the fact that it wasn’t, we’re the designers, and we know it all. They were open to listening to what I wanted. I liked Nick from the get go. When I met him, he was there for all the important parts of the kitchen being done. When there were big issues, Nick would come in and kind of work with the team to solve them. He would actually come here. Mary’s did all the tile work, which came out fabulous. You got to love Joe. Joe just so calm and so peaceful. Joe knows how to figure things out. Joe is not just a fabulous designer, Joe is so keen on giving you what you want if it’s possible, but also he understands the whole construction aspect of how things are done, like, can we take this out? Can we move this? Is this a supporting wall? So he sees both sides of the coin, which makes him invaluable, in my opinion. He always comes up with great solutions. You just love Joe.”
“So it was great to work with them because we had the back and forth, and I would send them pictures of things I found on the Internet, on Google, of kitchens that I liked, or like, this aspect of the kitchen, et cetera, and I would email them and say, here’s what I want. It wasn’t like, I’ll just leave it all up to you. I knew a lot of the things that I wanted. There’s always going to be some issues in terms of one or two of the cabinets were damaged, and the crew picked it up right away, and sent them back to the manufacturer. There weren’t huge problems that were like, oh, my God, what am I doing? Just really small little things. But everything got resolved. You know, the architectural footprint of the kitchen and ductwork and things like that didn’t allow for really vamping or revamping the old kitchen to make it work. So then the next step was well, my dream kitchen would be to double the size of the kitchen. And that’s what we went for.”